Streets of Havana

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In May 2018 I went to Cuba for two weeks. It's been on my bucket list for many years, so I was very excited to be going, finally. Even if it did mean over 36 hours in travel to get there.

I went with Adelaide dance school, La Bomba. We stayed in Havana most of the time - discovering the neighbourhoods, visiting a local family, taking dance classes, watching an intimate dance rehearsal and of course drinking mojitos and salsa'ing through the night at many concerts and night spots.

During the day we discovered the streets - by foot, taxi, the yellow coco taxis and bicitaxi. Tourist areas and the not so frequented areas.

Streets of Havana exhibition shows (predominantly Old) Havana through my eyes. The buildings are crumbling but beautiful. Life happens on the street. It's a mix of colour, rubbish, beauty, smells (mainly fumes and petrol) and old relics.

Launch will be on Thursday 1 November from 6pm at The Howling Owl. Cuban inspired cocktails will be available and a Cuban dance class (with La Bomba) will be held at 7.30pm.


Streets of Havana

The Howling Owl

10 Vaughan Pl, Adelaide SA 5000

Launch 1st Nov at 6pm

CONTACT HEIDI 0402 716 406 for all media enquiries


CLIENT: Lush Pastures


The streets of Trinidad, Cuba.