As a tourism and lifestyle photographer, I am paid to take photos that tell the story of a product or service. They usually are pretty photos - something to attract someone to my client, area or product.
I help my clients by visually telling their story. By getting their story out to the broader world, in a real and beautiful way, we attract clients to them. My client can be successful with their job or business, and afford to live their life doing something they love. And so can I.
But I want to do more. I've always tried to help with my photography through donating (or heavily subsidising) my time to organisations and charities - Hearftelt, Bali Kids, The Leukaemia Foundation, Cancer Care Centre, Hutt Street Centre and more.
Now I am allocating a percentage of my business each year to it. It's my way of giving back and helping the world, leaving my mark. If you are a not for profit, charity or non-government organisation that needs photography (and who doesn't) but have little or no budget - please get in touch.
All proposals will be considered for the year and what heidi who photos has available.
My way of giving back…