The art of being in nature - on a multi day hike.
I'm prepping to go on a hike with my Dad, nephew and niece in December. The Great Ocean Walk. It's exciting. I've only done one multi-day hike before, the Overland Track in Tasmania. I hiked that with my Dad also.
I've never tasted water so good (from the running streams).
There were times when I wondered what I was doing. But then the track would turn a corner, or reach the top of an ascent, and I would stand in awe. My jaw would drop, quite literally. And I'd hear myself say out loud, 'Wow, this is amazing. I love this.'
Hiking luxury, the boardwalks.
Best bits
Walking over the mountain tops on the boarded track, I had to resist singing 'the hills are alive'. I imagined the bush-covered mountain tops to look like giant hairy bums if there were such a thing.
At the end of the day, I loved sitting down and chatting with people. I'm a people person. I appreciated the quiet and small chatter with Dad during the day but loved gathering for stories at night.
Exploring the diversity of one place over time kept my curious nature at bay. My surrounds were constantly changing from wet forest to hardy bushland, to mountain tops - all in one day.
The treat meal at the end of the trip. Everyone needs to splash out, they deserve it.
The start of the tree roots - they only got bigger.
Sucky bits
Day one saw us 'stuck' with a large group of two families with loud kids. The kids did nothing wrong, but we didn't want to be hiking and sleeping with them for the rest of the track. So next day we hiked two days in one. By the end of the day, when we had to pick our feet up over a forest of tree roots, we wondered whether we had done the right thing. But we made it.
Ever tried to haul yourself up a near vertical wall with a 20kg bag on your back (and camera bag clipped to the front of me)? That happened on day one. We did have a chain to hold onto, and some step holds, but it was steep. I'd hate to think what would happen if I lost my grip.
Having to carry all rubbish off the track. All rubbish - including the toilet paper.
I was ultra eager to have a long hot shower, after having no shower for five days. Smelly belly and more. I did have wipe downs but couldn't bring myself to splash about in the near freezing water.
I came out of forest and saw this amazing view. Speechless. And not because I'd just pushed myself up a hill.
Many people say that nature is grounding, and it's the best place to let yourself just be. To find yourself. To nurture yourself. To love yourself. Well, I guess in a semi-torturous way, multi-day hikes do just that.
And there is the bonus of getting fit while getting great photos.
Bring it on! I want to do more.
Optional hikes up mountains are worth it.
Multi-day hikes I've done...
Inca Trail, Peru
Mount Kinabalu, Sabah
Overland Track, Australia
Where to next? Would love your thoughts.
Treat meal after the hike. Yum.