Location photographer. Getting behind the scenes. Showing off the secret, and not so secret, treasures of the world.
Photographers and travel. What do they take?
The time when I go 'oops'. What is the most wanted thing for a photographer to pack when travelling?
Q. What do you think would be the first thing a photographer packs when travelling?
A. Their camera.
Yes, that is correct. And you would expect they would never forget it. As an extension of their body - it goes everywhere.
Well, guess what I did recently?
I love using the Tilt Shift feature in Instagram for adding more interest to an otherwise 'flat' image.
I forgot my camera. On a trip to Queensland. To the Sunshine Coast.
I stressed for about two hours or so, trying to figure out what to do. Hubby suggested getting it expressed up (bless him). I briefly thought of hiring. Then I settled on using my iPhone. That's what most people do - isn't it?
And for the most part, it worked fine. Yes, I haven't looked at the photos enlarged yet - so disappointment hasn't settled - but I feel comfortable. I look at it as great practical training for my Better Pics for Business eCourse research.
Everyone photoraphs the giraffes. I wanted to try something different. These reeds looked all fluffy and cute.
I tried playing with Apps but ended up using the standard camera most of the time. I used the swipe function on the screen for force increasing/decreasing exposure and selecting focus area. I also did a few panoramics. When uploading to Instagram, I used some filters.
I loved not being burdened by the weight of my DSLR. I loved looking like a normal tourist with a phone camera rather than someone taking a 'proper photo'.
Street shots were the hardest subject to photograph with my iPhone. I don't like using the zoom and sometimes standing in the middle of the road to get the photo wasn't the best idea.
I didn't like that I couldn't do everything I was used to. Some exposures didn't work out. I couldn't work as quick. I don't like the fact that if I have a 'wow' photo, I can't use it for much else than online. I know I'm not going to enjoy looking at the sensor latitude. There will be highlight blowouts or dark and deep shadows.
My final thoughts - I would like to try a mirrorless. A Fujifilm or similar. Something small but high quality. Something I can add to a carry-on bag with clothing instead of carrying an extra bag. Any personal recommendations?