CARE 10,000 steps
For the last week I have been wearing a pedometer, making sure that I walk over 10,000 steps a day. Why? Raising money for CARE and all the women across the world that have to walk thousands more steps sometimes, just to get drinking water.
About mid week I discovered that the pedometer wasn't working properly. It was counting only a percentage of the steps that were actually taken. No wonder I thought it crazy that an office worker could clock up 10,000 steps a day. I was running after two kids all day long, and walking for nearly two hours each day - and still sitting around 8000 steps.
I wonder how many I did take? Probably nowhere near the amount that some women step, just to get water. 92,000 steps each day! That would surely curb our obesity problem in Australia.
If anyone wants to donate, head over to