Vision Boards and Bucket Lists
Late 2010 I had a weekend away with a friend of mine, where we worked on what we want in life. One of the most fun activities we did was thinking about our 'dream' life, making a bucket list and a vision board. My bucket list included lots of things, ranging from seeing a real life shark then cage diving with them (I have to see them first to make sure I'd want to actually hop in the water with them, even if there is a cage between us) to cruising tropical islands on a personally chartered yacht. I even have some way out things on there, like meeting Richard Branson - you never know! And then I've got simple things, like having a lush dinner party, going on a weekend spa retreat, learning to meditate... There's no end, so whenever I think of something else, I add it to the list. And then, each year, I am going to attempt to cross off at least three things.
My vision board is similar to my bucket list, but is my ideal life. The type of house I want to live in, the life I want to have, the things I want to do, the places I want to go. There's a lot of travel and adventure inspired pictures on my board - where as I'm sure, many would have the luxury car and mansion on theirs. It's just not something that jumps to mind with me - sure I'd like a nice car, but have none in mind that I really want.
I put these in my office, so I can see them every time I go in, to really make my mind believe they can happen. Plant the seed...
Have you done yours bucket list and vision board?[gallery link="file"]