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Flinders Ranges

Who's been to the Flinders? I used to go as a child. Camping, hiking, Grandpa catching rabbits for tea that night, my cousins and I making graves, complete with named headstones, for the baby ones caught.

I've taken my kids camping up there too.

But recently I've been working around the Flinders - and discovering how much there is. Station stays, food, helicopter flights, beautiful accommodation. It's not all camping and hiking. The landscape, the feeling, the weathered peaks and rocky gorges... they are a given. It really is one of the most dramatic and beautiful landscapes I've seen.

The Flinders Ranges is the largest mountain range in South Australia, which starts about 200 km north of Adelaide and stretch for over 400km. I follow the main highways, back roads to stations and even some scenic off-road tracks (in my little VW Golf) when I take the wrong way. It's all quite an entertaining adventure.

Pics below:

https://www.facebook.com/flindersfoodco/ - delicious food in Hawker

https://southaustralia.com/products/flinders-ranges/attraction/kanyaka-ruins-station - some history

https://www.barossahelicopters.com.au/parachilna/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4MmwlZvo5AIVjYRwCh2PWAA4EAAYASAAEgJaMPD_BwE - fly over the Flinders

http://www.stationstayssa.com.au/station/mt-little-station/ - farm stay

https://www.jeffmorgangallery.com.au/ - art gallery in Hawker

https://southaustralia.com/products/flinders-ranges/attraction/old-wilpena-station - some history at Wilpena