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Adelaide Haunted Horizons

My maiden name… 

I work with SATIC (SA Tourism Industry Council) and offer a door prize at each of their networking events. One lucky member gets me for two hours - and probably more enticing - gets some stunning images to use on their promotional collateral. 

Alison Oborn from Haunted Horizons was the lucky winner recently. Since I have never been out on a host tour, or anything like it, Alison suggested I come to one of her Old Tailem Town tours, near Tailem Bend, SA. 

Signing our life away...

One cool evening in April, I set out. We meet in the carpark of Old Tailem, I'm handed a torch, and told to sign my life away. 'We can't guarantee anything, and we need to know, that you know, you could die.' Mmm, lovely - what have I got myself into. But I stay on - all in the name of work… and curiosity now. 

The teetotaler owner of the house would hate that his house is what it is now… a pub.

Alison leads us around the old town, telling us stories of experiences that have happened, the history of the buildings - buildings that have come from all over the state, and even interstate. We only see a section of the town, visiting the railway yard, store, motor shop, pub, family home and church. 

Sometimes there is a man figure seen in torchlight, standing in the doorway or behind the truck...

In the shop, I get one hell of a fright. I am standing up the back of the group, torches all off while listening to Alison tell of stories about ghosts being attracted to women and hating gay men. In the complete blackness, bar the little red light of an infra red camera, I hear 'boo'. I swear I hear it whispered into my left ear, even nearly feeling the air brushing me ear, but upon jumping with an 'argh', the guy to my right apologises, and says he was whispering in his mates ear.

The shop where I'm spooked...

Did I see or feel any ghosts? No. Did anyone else? Perhaps. Two guys, sitting in the church, say the pew in front of them has been moved towards them, blocking their feet from moving - but no-one is sitting on that pew in front of them. Do I now believe in paranormal acitivity? I'm not sure. I'm open minded. And as Alison says, you never can say if you believe or not, until something is experienced yourself. Skeptics out there - even if you don't believe any one tiny bit about paranormal activity - this tour is great fun. History, drama, and tour by torchlight. Even though I'm disappointed to not have experienced any paranormal activity, I'm kind of glad. The drive home alone would have been interesting, considering it's now nearly midnight, I'm tired and have heard many spooky stories. 
