heidi who photos

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2015 - a new year of excitement.

Tidal movement on the beach - ebb and flow of life. Endings and new beginnings.

So, who has made a new years resolution? I don't normally, but this year, instead of going back and forth like the waves on a beach, not moving forward, I'm going to force my way through the tide. I've been floating in a little tidal rock pool for too long, and now I am going to stream forward to some unknown. As they say, 'lean into the fear'.

I want to move forward as a person; spiritually, emotionally and physically. I want to work smarter, be calmer and experience more adventure.

Three big things are going to happen...

1. I am de-cluttering.

2. I am cutting back on the 'learning' and actioning more.

3. I am taking more time for me and creativity.

Work smart, play smart, live smart (which includes more time on beaches).